[메트로신문] Choi Tae-won, Chairman of SK Group, met with Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, at the world's largest IT and technology exhibition, CES 2025. Chairman Choi revealed that through this meeting, he confirmed that SK hynix's development speed is surpassing NVIDIA's required level.
On January 8 (local time), Chairman Choi Tae-won, attending CES 2025, held a press conference with domestic reporters and answered questions regarding the relationship between SK hynix and NVIDIA. This marks Chairman Choi's third consecutive year attending CES in person.
In response to a question about additional discussions on HBM during his meeting with Jensen Huang, Chairman Choi stated, "I confirmed that SK hynix's development speed is now slightly ahead of NVIDIA's. In the past, we were asked to speed up development, but now the tables have turned." He also added that the supply quantity for this year has been fully decided by the working-level teams.
He continued, "We exchanged views on physical AI, such as Cosmos™, and mentioned that it would be great to collaborate in the future. I also shared Korea's manufacturing know-how."
Cosmos™ is the physical AI development platform announced by NVIDIA at CES this year. It is composed of cutting-edge generative World Foundation Models (WFM), advanced tokenizers, guardrails, and an accelerated video processing pipeline.
On that day, Chairman Choi spent a significant amount of time explaining the direction of SK Group's AI business, including AI data centers.
Chairman Choi stated, "At this year's CES, it was clear that AI has been integrated into everything," and added, "We plan to focus on AI data center-related businesses as a key initiative." Regarding SK's plans to expand into the U.S., he explained, "The AI data center-related industry is connected not only to the power plant business but also to energy issues across all stages, including semiconductors and cooling (thermal management)." He further stated, "I believe that there are many points of intersection between SK's portfolio and the U.S. market."
At this year's CES, SK Group set up a booth under the theme "Creating a Sustainable Future with Innovative AI Technology," showcasing AI data center solutions, AI semiconductors including HBM3E 16-layer chips, and SKC glass substrate technology. Chairman Choi visited the booth and, holding a model of the SKC glass substrate, smiled and said, "I just sold this."
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